Thank you Michael! Hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving!
Me gusta
Christopher Buckner
26 nov 2024
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.
I'm grateful that I get to play pretend. Nothing is more fun and gratifying than playing pretend. I felt this way when I was kid, and I still feel this way as a bigger kid. Thanks for the video Michael. You gave me the warm and fuzzies.
Me gusta
26 nov 2024
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.
thank you Michael!!
Me gusta
25 nov 2024
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.
When I was in high school, I did not consider myself unique in any way. Wasn't athletic but I found my tribe in band, chorus and when it became available, theater. Didn't really think of it this way and for the next few years, I continued to perform with this group but eventually moved on and out. Occasionally I dipped my toe back in and was always welcomed but I never thought much about it. I was becoming moderately successful in another chosen career that took most of my time. Move forward 50 years and I am now retired from that other career. I went back to performing and wouldn't you know it, this new tribe accepted me as an…
Thank you Michael! Hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving!
I'm grateful that I get to play pretend. Nothing is more fun and gratifying than playing pretend. I felt this way when I was kid, and I still feel this way as a bigger kid. Thanks for the video Michael. You gave me the warm and fuzzies.
thank you Michael!!
When I was in high school, I did not consider myself unique in any way. Wasn't athletic but I found my tribe in band, chorus and when it became available, theater. Didn't really think of it this way and for the next few years, I continued to perform with this group but eventually moved on and out. Occasionally I dipped my toe back in and was always welcomed but I never thought much about it. I was becoming moderately successful in another chosen career that took most of my time. Move forward 50 years and I am now retired from that other career. I went back to performing and wouldn't you know it, this new tribe accepted me as an…
Michael, you are invaluable. Priceless.